The Merchant Of Venice
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Does Portia bear prejudice against the Prince or Morocco?
Portia seems a little happy that the Prince of Morocco didn't pick the right casket. Although they praised his gentlemanliness for not s...
Bassanio picking a casket
Portia clearly wants to marry Bassanio. Yes, we realize this is an unfortunate choice given that Bassanio wants Portia's money and seems...
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Prince of Morocco chooses a casket
Act II Scene VII. The Prince of Morocco chooses a casket. He gives a long speech on which casket he will choose. He chooses the Go...
Gold, Silver, Lead
Not only is every potential suitor out to get his hands on Portia's wealth, but Portia doesn't even get to choose her husband, becau...
Relation between Portia and Nerissa
Portia Nerissa Nerissa is Portia's servant or Lady in Waiting, but they often act as friends. Nerissa advises and suppo...
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Suitors ; Prince of Arragon
The prince of Arragon - An arrogant Spanish nobleman who also attempts to win Portia’s hand by picking a casket. Like the prince of ...
Suitors ; Prince of Morocco
The prince of Morocco - A Moorish prince who seeks Portia’s hand in marriage. The prince of Morocco asks Portia to ignore his dark co...
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